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The Loan Amount is the total amount of money to be borrowed.
The Monthly Payment is the amount of money to be payed each month to repay the loan.
The Interest Rate is to be entered as a percent. If the interest rate is 0.065, then enter 6.5%.
The Term of Loan is to be entered as the number of years.
Type the numbers in the boxes and then click "Calculate Amortization Table"
If the number is 6.7 then type "6.7" (no quotations marks).
You may type the decimal point.
If the number is 2154 you may type "2,154", you may type the comma. Type "2,154".
If you want to type "256,678", but you type "25k,678", the computer will use "25678" to calculate the answer.
If you type "ghblxz", the computer will use "0" to calculate the answer.
If you type "1.9e2", the computer will use "190" to calculate the answer.
NaN = not a number
To clear the entry boxes click "Reset".